I've decided I would like to write about my cycling adventures. As if the whole world was just waiting for this moment, right? This blog where I am writing was where I wrote reflections about my first ever RAGBRAI, the ride across Iowa, in 2008. I was all set to do the same in 2014, as I was able to do my second RAGBRAI, but I discovered that things had changed in 6 years. There were no longer Iowa Telecomm trailers at every stop providing internet-connected laptops. That is so old-school! Now they depend on everyone having phones. So I only had a few entries.
But I am still riding! So I thought it would be fun to write about it, both from a practical here's-what-I'm-doing standpoint and sometimes with some spiritual insights that come to me while the wheels are spinning.
So here I am. This is week two of my outdoor season! It feels so good to be outside again, in nature and the elements. The time changed so that we have light until about 7pm. Plus, the temperature just flicked a switch and jumped up into the 40s and 50s. Monday even had a register of 75° on my bike computer (yes, I got temp! See the pic).
I will write more. I have ideas for my bike season that this will help me flesh out. Even if no one follows me, it will be fun to write.